Case Study on F&B Profitability in hotel restaurants in 2024

access_time 1730550840000 face Manish Gupta
What is causing you money in F&B operations? and What you can do with it. Case Study - Managing Food Costs in Hotel-Based Restaurants This case study explores the current food cost challenges faced by hotels in 2024 and outlines actionable strategies for maintaining profitability amidst rising cost...

New Hygiene Protocols and Products, Air-Conditioning, Water Purification and Conservation

access_time 1597651440000 face Manish Gupta
New Hygiene Protocols and Products, Air-Conditioning, Water Purification and Conservation Ready to take your hygiene to the next level? Our new Air-Conditioning and Water Purification course will teach you the latest technologies to improve hygiene. As the world prepares for the New Normal, what are...

Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry

access_time 1597660200000 face Manish Gupta
Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Industry Looking for a career that will never grow old? Looking for a job you can perform anywhere in the world? Looking for a daily business work environment of natural beauty, fun, entertainment, service, and creativity? Then, look no further than the Hospit...

How you can stay happy with Gratitude mindset even in wake of crisis with Sunny Nagpal

access_time 1597833000000 face Manish Gupta
How you can stay happy with Gratitude mindset even in wake of crisis with Sunny Nagpal Feel like your life has been turned upside down? Sunny Nagpal for this supercharged session with me on how we can stay happy with gratitude and mindfulness. Staying happy is all about attitude and within yourself....

What are the skills that are in trend for gaining employment in the Hospitality Industry

access_time 1603881000000 face Manish Gupta
What are the skills that are in trend for gaining employment in the Hospitality Industry Are you looking to gain employment in the Hospitality Industry? #CoronaCrisis has created lot of threats and employment opportunities in the hospitality industry space and education space. Learn from #hotelindus...