1. Introduction to Uniform System of Accounting & Hotel Financial Reporting Structure
Introducing Hotel Operating Structure-Profit Centers
Introducing Hotel Operating Structure-Support Centers
Explaining the main Profit & Loss Statement
Rooms Department - Revenue Definitions and meaning
Room Profit & Loss - Transient Market Segment
Rooms - Group Market Segment Explained
Rooms Division - Contract Revenue and Other Room Revenue
Other Rooms revenue consideration - Packages Barter Loyalty program
Rooms Departments Expenses Explained
Structure of Room Departmental Expenses
Labour cost Departments and Positions
Labour cost Departments and positions
Other Labour cost items for Room Division
Room Expenses A-d
Room Expenses E-R
Room Expenses S-Z
Room Division Statistics and repots
Intro to Section on Room Statistics
Ocupancy Statistcis definitions
Formulas for Room Statistics
Room Statistics Report to help understand P&L
P&L Analysis and Resources
Understanding what are variable expense and fixed.. showing P&L aalysis
Closure Video for Rooms Module
Room Division Definitions of Revenue and Expenses as per USALI
Rooms P&L Sample
Preview - Applying USALI Accounting in the Rooms Department
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